[This is Zak S.'s idea, from his blog Playing D&D with Pornstars. Between this and the first post you've got all the info you'll need about me!]
I'm currently running (at home): 2+ year Labyrinth Lord campaign with some house rules and AEC options, plus some one-off sessions of Into the Odd when I get the chance.
I'm currently running (at home): 2+ year Labyrinth Lord campaign with some house rules and AEC options, plus some one-off sessions of Into the Odd when I get the chance.
Tabletop RPGs I'm currently playing (at home) include: Nothing at present. (Seattle people get at me!)
I'm currently running (online): Monthly house-ruled Labyrinth Lord game set in the Underdark using some of the Veins of the Earth material posted on the False Machine blog.
I would especially like to play/run: Dungeon Crawl Classics, 5E, Eclipse Phase, FASERIP, more Into the Odd
...but would also try: I'd try anything as long as it's not with a bunch of dinguses.
I live in: Seattle, Washington, USA
2 or 4 well-known RPG products other people made that I like: The Dungeon Dozen by Jason Sholtis, Fire On the Velvet Horizon by Scrap Princess and Patrick Stuart, Into the Odd by Chris McDowall, Vacant Ritual Assembly by Clint Krause
2 or 3 novels I like: I Am Legend by Richard Matheson, Watership Down by Richard Adams, The Beautiful Thing That Awaits Us All by Laird Barron (collection, not novel, but yeah)
2 or 3 movies I like: Nightbreed, Neon Maniacs, Big Trouble in Little China
Best place to find me on-line: G+
I will read almost anything on tabletop RPGs if it's: About why RPGs are important or meaningful to you, if it's got tips to make me a better GM, or if it's packed full of cool/weird stuff that triggers my imagination.
I really do not want to hear about: how your way of playing is the right way, min-maxing, talking about "censorship" when people call you out on being a jerk.
I think dead orc babies are ( circle one: funny / problematic / ....well, ok, it's complicated because....) an interesting way to explore morality in-game, but ultimately up to each individual group.
Games I'm in are like (link to something):
And this